Friday, May 9, 2008

Stop and Smell the Flowers!

The flowers in my yard are all bursting out! I took pictures of everything that was blooming the other day - but I will spread their publication out over a period of time - I know you don't come here to see my backyard. I love the smell of Gardenias! When Charley and I walk on the greenbelts these days the smell of honeysuckle and wisteria is in the air. I could just take a chair and sit out there. Maybe one day I'll do that - there will be talk - people will whisper about the old lady in the chair on the greenbelt. Anyway, I'm very disgruntled the last 24 hours. So I'm trying to take in the good stuff. I have three friends going through chemo or radiation right now. One is my friend's dad, one is my friend's sister and another is the mother of my son's college roommate and high school friend. Her husband died of cancer last year and she's been fighting it for over two years herself - it has now spread further. I often drive her to chemo, as I did today - she is amazing. I am afraid I would just curl up in a ball somewhere, but I know that God's hand is with her and He gives us the strength we need if we ask Him for it. And then I get irritated with people that are late or unresponsive in their art swaps. If they give me a reason for it - then I always understand. I need to work on my patience and understanding of unorganized people. I'm not as organized as I once was myself. I'm just so thankful to God that at the moment my family is healthy and safe. I am so blessed and I praise God for that. And I ask him to bless my ailing friends and comfort them and their loved ones as they go through these days of pain and turmoil. Sorry for such a downer post. Are you having any trials in your life right now? I do hope you ask God to help you with them.


  1. Linda,
    Thanks so much for stopping by my little contest this morning.

    I'm sorry you are having a downer of a day. It must be emotionally draining to try to remain positive when so many around you are in crisis. I've been through the cancer thing with my hubby and it was rough. Praise God, it has been 14 years now and so far so good.

    I love your flowers. I can almost smell the gardenias in the picture.

    Now, tell me what a greenbelt is.
    Us northerners probably call them something else, unless it is something unique to Texas.


  2. Your flowers are beautiful! Isn't it just like God to plant beauty in the midst of our struggles. That you continue to praise God and are a comfort to those around you who are ailing is a witness for God and His strength. Thanks for the reminder. Blessings, Katie

  3. What gorgeous flowers. I will think good thoughts for your friends. Chemo is rough. They are lucky to have such a support.

    Rest and restore and enjoy the beauty of those blooms!
