Monday, May 26, 2008

A rose instead

I fought the urge to put a new photo of David Cook up...and put a rose instead.
This is a close-up of one that DH gave me for my birthday.
I'm leaving for Savannah, GA on Wednesday!! I'm really looking forward to it. DH and I will just be pure tourists there and that Sunday, June 1st we'll drive over to Hilton Head, SC for a few days. I've always wanted to go there... so I am excited. I have two books that need reading.
I don't know if I'll get any photos uploaded on my blog while I'm away, but I should be able to do some posts as I'll have DH's computer. Thursday, the 5th, is our 32nd wedding anniversary!!


  1. Hi! I hope you have an absolutely amazing trip with lots of sweet time with your DH and get books read and lots of relaxing done!
    Thanks for stopping by to visit me and for your nice comments about my son, Adam. I love your roses, I've been on a rose kick lately! Looking forward to seeing pictures when you get back! It'll be 30 yrs for me in July ---- Vickie

  2. Hope you are having a FAB time! Hilton Head is just beautiful. You will get even better pictures of more roses. So glad you are taking time for yourself.

  3. LOVE the rose -- so beautiful! That would make a great inchie :) Hope you are enjoying GA - just wanted to let you know that you won a house on my blog! Congratulations!!

  4. Linda,
    Happy B~day and Anniversary!!! Your rose picture is stunning!!!! Hope your vacation is or was great! Blessings, Katie
