Sunday, April 27, 2008

A week of childhood nostalgia

I am a child of the fifties! I am so glad.... I don't think there has ever been a better decade to be a child of. Please share about your childhood this week. I've seen some of this on some other blogs the last few days and I will try very hard this week to remember where and tell you about them soon. ha! So I'm starting the week with a little video from my beloved Mickey Mouse Club. I watched it every afternoon from about 2nd grade til...not sure when. Annette was my first "idol". And I loved "Spin and Marty"... one of the features of the show. I loved Cheryl, too. Darlene was another favorite. I think most of my readers are too young to know about this particular show...but share with me what you watched in elementary school! I bet you can find a video on you tube that you can upload on your blog. If you need help, just ask me! Now it's time to say all my company..... See you real soon! linda


  1. Hi Linda,
    I also liked to watch the Mickey Mouse Club. However, I think my favorite was watching Captian Kangaroo with Bunny and Mr. Greenjeans. I should try to find this on video on YouTube.
    Just to let you know, I tagged you, please come and visit for the details.


  2. I love Annette! I was her for Halloween one year, remember? Thanks for sharing her with me! :-)

  3. Hi, Linda - Just wandering through checking out blogs and I came across yours. Looks like we're kindred spirits - we're Aggies, too! My brother, my husband, my oldest son, and perhaps my daughter, too! (We'll know very soon) Just thought I'd say hi and Gig 'Em! Vickie

  4. Linda- Thanks for stopping by my blog! Were you able to find your bird cages??:-) I love the ones that I bought this weekend. Stop by and sign up for my Desert Island Swap. Sign ups end on May 5th. We are going to have fun!:-) Lori

  5. Linda,
    I am also a child of the fifties and sixties. I loved Kaptain Kangaroo. Besides Bunny Rabbit always dropping ping pong balls on Mr. Green Jeans, I also loved watching Magic Drawing Board and Tom Terrific and Manfred, His Wonder Dog! Oh, man, that takes me wayyyyyyyyy back. LOL!

    My other favorite was American Bandstand every afternoon and also Ding Dong School with Miss Francis.
    You can watch a half hour of Ding Dong School at this link

    I was just blogging around this morning and found your delightful blog. Now I'm feeling all sentimental and nostalgic. :)

    I'm adding your blog to my blog roll. I hope you will add mine to yours.

    Have a wonderful week!
