Monday, March 3, 2008

Rope in your antlers?

Do you ever get rope in your antlers? It makes you feel a litle fuzzy I think and you are pretty much stuck with it for awhile.... for one thing you will simply NOT allow anyone to help you get it out. Why don't you stop now and check to see if YOU have rope in your antlers.
Okay...back with me? These guys were trying to act disinterested. But they couldn't stand it ... they had to turn and look! Yeah, I spent the weekend at a friend's ranch. We had a party for another friend that is retiring. Upon coming to breakfast on Sunday morning, Sue, Ida and I discovered we are definitely in the know when it comes to the color of the day!
I have lots more animal shots (shots is probably not a good word to use around them) but I will put them in my Flickr account very soon. Our friend raises exotics and we got a tour of the place on Saturday afternoon in some kind of "range rovers". I didn't take any pictures of cattle or horses.....sorry.. There were about 26 of us there and we had a great time. Our friend's ranch is just west of Schulenburg, TX.... and I'm in Houston. Remember ... you can click on the pics and see them larger!
I thought my next post was my 100th....but I had an extra draft that was in the files. So this is just Number 98! Happy Trails to you.......until we meet again....


  1. SOOO cute linda - did you go to the YO Ranch (connie's house?) ??? I went this time last year with kelly, avery, owen, quinton and marcel - we had a blast! I love the rope in the antlers!! We have pics of the giraffes eating straight from our hands!! SOOO cool - I really enjoyed our trip - long drive but worth it for the buckey's truck stop :)

    Happy 99th anniversary!

  2. Are you kidding, Anna? No, Connie doesn't have a house at the YO. This was a business event... not Connie's. This is a thousand acre ranch 2 1/2 hours from here.

  3. OhMyGosh! For a minute I thought you had gone on safari and not told me! heehee. What a super getaway you had!
