Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I know you've been wondering if I got all that good stuff out of that scrapbook I bought. Well... I didn't get it "unglued". I never did get any of that Undu, so I still have some pages with pictures or cards on both sides. I think that will be my giveaway when it's my 100th post... which is rapidly approaching! But there are so many wonderful things in that book... I will be sharing those for awhile. It would be WRONG to hoard it. I guess these things picked up the pink from the tissue paper. The angel is silver and the bird is pewter. Got them at Maggie's..... the angel will be perfect for a rubbing. It's flat on the back. The bird feeds my obsession for birds lately. And, yes, Virginia, I bought those 3 canvas panels at Pottery Barn today! I should've taken their picture. But here is a link. Go there and then click on Eclectic Bird Art.


  1. Your scrapbook does look yummy--what a fun treasure! Birds, birds...I heard red-wing blackbirds in my backyard today, but couldnt' see where they were. They won't stay long, though, but will move on to somewhere with water. We saw a varied thrush (robins are in the thrush family) over the weekend. Can't wait to share bird inchies! --LaRinda

  2. So...have you made any of your own bird canvases?? I ordered my canvas yesterday. Your blog is looking good!! VB
