Sunday, September 23, 2007


I can't believe it's been over a week since I posted! Oh, I hate when people just disappear like that. I mean "are ya gonna blog or what"? I have no excuse. Here is something I FINALLY finished this week....I's weak....I's for a swap on my favorite yahoo group. But it is the best I could do. However, it is a picture taken during one of the best weeks of my life! It was 12 years ago at my first UMARMY Camp. That's a Methodist mission camp for high school youth. This was my first team and they were so wonderful. They fell in love with the children at this house where we worked for about 3 days. That is the grandmother standing on the top step. She kept her grandchildren during the day....this little boy was named Bubba and he was beautiful. It just makes me cry to think about that house and that week. Yes, that's me holding Bubba. I went to about 8 UMARMY Camps. I had a team for two years and then did other jobs, including Co-Directing with my husband two years. UMARMY is a blessing.

1 comment:

  1. Linda, I'm glad you're "back"! lol I have missed seeing something new from you. What a great picture and what a beautiful memory. Memories like that can keep you going for awhile. :)
