Thursday, August 30, 2007

I've Been Tagged

Oh my goodness! Arlene over at Altered State of Mind tagged me! I've never been tagged. This is a hard one, too. I am to list 6 weird or interesting things about myself. I might have a hard time coming up with six things but I'll try. Then after I list 6 things about myself I have to find another six people to tag. 1) The above quilt is one I made for Jerry ver Dorn to put on The Guiding Light. He played the part of Ross Marler for YEARS. So this quilt was on the show at least twice. I do not know where it is now. But at the time our "Blossie" group went wild on the internet...this was in the 90's when the Marler twins were born.
2) I could eat Tex-Mex every day!
3) I have to sit on the aisle in movies, at church, in a class...but not on a plane.
4) My art room is very messy....isn't that interesting?
5) I'm addicted to paper art, but love to embroider and have several quilts that I need to finish, but all I want to do is glue paper together
6)'s a goodie....I appeared on stage in Galveston in a musical production when the USS Texas was commissioned in September of 2006....that was weird! But fun!
Now I have to pick six lucky people to tag.....Nathalie, Angie Christy, Anna-Marie, Beth, Carrie


  1. LINDA! WHO am I supposed to tag! I just started this blogging thing and don't know enough blogs and certainly do not want to get total strangers mad at me for tagging them! BTW, I love your list of weird/interesting, because it is short and sweet and,... well, INTERESTING. "Wow", about the quilt. I am not a soap opera fan, but am impressed.

  2. Linda love your quilt! Thanks for playing.


  3. I stand corrected, Miz Linda. I listed 7 random, not weird things, on May 24th's blog. Okay, I'll see what I can come up with.

  4. Linda- Your post reminded me of ONE weird thing- when I was in college, I was a clerk at a liquor store just south of the Fargo ND airport. When Jerry verDorn would come back to Minnesota (where he went to college), he would stop at the liquor store. I didn't know Jerry verDorn because I didn't watch Guilding Light but some of the other clerks did and thought it was a pretty big deal! (Dick Clark actually stopped there once, too)
