Friday, April 29, 2016

Rained in Houston

  I've gotten so I use the Blogger app on my phone to upload my pictures to my blog.  
Then I forget that I did that.  
So these are a little late getting published.

This is a picture of my knock-out roses a few weeks ago.  I cut them all the way back and they came back great!  The golf course looks good, too.

And then ......... it rained in Houston......   A LOT!!!!
And where I live didn't get the worst of it.
But...... that rain has to go somewhere and one of the places it ends up is in the San Jacinto River, which flows into Lake Houston and then to the Gulf of Mexico.  I live close to the river and the lake.

If you can't play golf, you can fish! DH and neighbor caught some catfish!

  City of Houston......... lifted that image off the internet somewhere....


The deer finally showed back up.  

And it finally started to recede.  It was all gone by Friday. But it left a mess in a lot of places.
People that live on the river were flooded.   Lives were lost.  Water is a powerful force.
Nature is a powerful force!

I am so thankful we are okay.  Our children and their families were safe as well.
We were never worried about our house as we sit up from the course...... about 5 feet up... the pictures look like it's closer than it is.  And then our house is up a hill and higher up.

So thankful!
More storms headed our way tonight and tomorrow in south Texas.
Praying for dissipation.


  1. Yikes. I thought of you (and a few other Houston area folk) with the rains -- I saw some of the city photos on the news. I'm so very grateful your home is on higher ground and all was well (the roses too, I gather! yay!). But we forget that water can be such a powerful force of nature. I hope the weekend's predictions are off base. Be safe.

  2. Good planning to live up safe and dry-ish.
    Fires and floods and all kinds of danger for people.
    Glad you're safe!
    It is not flooding here in the Wash DC area but we are setting a 78 year record for the most consecutive days of rain in a row. I don't mind it and the plants/weeds are going crazy. Hard to complain when there are people suffering with serious situations.
    You all take care
