Tuesday, September 16, 2014


I really am doing a few art things....

Currently taking Kate Crane's Journal Soup 2 Class online.

It's fun.... I took her Journal Soup 1 in 21 Secrets last year.

What are you doing?  Are you taking a class?
Are you going to take a class soon?

There are so many classes out there!
Is anyone taking the Mixed Media Studio Class in October?
I would like to...... but I can only do so much!
Let me know!


  1. What a nice surprise to see you posted on your bbb Linda...my spidey senses told me to check before I head off to the land of nod :-)

    Such a sweet drawing and perfect words too!

    We are all lucky to have so many classes to enjoy aren't we...

  2. There are so many wonderful classes and so little time. I'm not taking anything just now. Your class sounds like it would be a great learning experience.

  3. I love the happiness of this painting, Linda. It simply makes me smile! I may take one of Kari McKnight Holbrook's classes this fall here when she and Jen Crossley come to a local studio. Not sure about online yet but I want to look at the links you sent. Maybe in the winter when I hunker down!

  4. I signed up to take two of Alma Stoller's classes (BOGO) this month so I hope I find the time to actually sign in to class!
