Lucas Frank arrived on Monday, February 10th!
8 lb 2 oz and 20 1/4 inches long!
He's perfect!
He is my son's first child and my second grandchild, first grandson!
He is such a blessing to all of us.
Here is below with his Grandpa Frank....
Best Buds already!
So very delightful! I like his name, too. Grandchildren are such sweet blessings from God. Enjoy those baby snuggles.
ReplyDeleteHe's wonderful.
ReplyDeleteI have a son named Lukas.
Good name.
Different spelling than your Lucas…but good name.
It means bringer of light.
I used to buy my son lighthouses.
Happy days, Grandma!
He's gorgeous Linda and he shares the same birthday as my Dad and little Nephew :) Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteSandy xox
Congratulations Linda!! What a blessing!!!
ReplyDeleteWonderful face! And so alert for being all fresh and new! Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteI love that first photo. So so happy for you!
ReplyDeleteOh Oh Oh
ReplyDeletewhat a precious darling boy!
Love these photos...
♥Little Lucas IS perfect♥
so very happy for your whole family!!!
It will be a delight to watch him grow ... can't wait for the cousins to meet and have photos shared too