Friday, December 20, 2013

My December Daily

For several years I've done the December Daily.
 I've tried several formats, but my favorite is making my own book
 with mat board covers and card stock pages. 

 I don't always write something each day...... I usually have a photograph if nothing else .... I don't stress about it and I often do more than one day at a time.

Merry Christmas! It's almost here!


  1. I admire you for doing this Linda! What treasures to look back on especially with how fast time flies!

    Fa la laa oxox

  2. So lovely! I think I'm going to make one too. Merry Christmas!

  3. December daily sounds like a fun idea. Merry Christmas, Linda.

  4. I so admire your commitment and your creative talent is beyond compare. What a treasure this is, now and always!

    Merry Christmas!
