Tuesday, March 27, 2012

"All tomorrows are in the seeds of today."

.... I hope you are having a good week......
I just got home from spending some time in the past....
more on that another day....

Here is a photo of one of my favorite aunts..... she was one of my earliest role models...
we had a nice long visit yesterday....

 .... and saw some local cowboys.....

... some things never change....


  1. Linda, this brought back memories of my favorite aunt. What I wouldn't give for 'just one more day' with her! Hope you had a wonderful visit!!

  2. Linda, thanks so much for visiting my FranksUkraine blog. We are now in the south of Ukraine where we moved 17 years ago. You are right, some things never change.
    Beautiful photos.

    Coleen in Ukraine

  3. Love your Texas Blue Bonnets...I would sure enjoy seeing those in bloom some day!

    Your Aunt is beautiful...I Love the magical glow around her hands in the close up pic

    looking forward to more about your trip back in time

  4. I have a soft spot for cow boys. Mostly because we don't have them here :) I love my Aunts. I'm glad you had a nice visit with yours!

    Sandy xox

  5. how nice! your aunt is so pretty! love that photo with the light streaming around her. xo

  6. How lovely to spend time with a treasured aunt. All of mine have since gone -- you are fortunate indeed.
