Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Neighborhood Developments

When I got back from San Antonio.... last week... I had two more houses waiting for me... This first one is Nathalie's interpretation of "What Do You See?". Isn't it sweet!???
She brushed gesso over all of it once it was assembled.... very, very nice texture!
and...much braver than I would've been....
I would have been afraid to try that on something that I only had one of and had to mail.
What a brave girl, huh?
...and then we got "Greetings from Switzerland"!
Margaret made me a swiss chalet.... love that bell at the top... yes, it rings!
I think that handsome man is yodelling...at least that's what I'm hearing....
One more house to arrive! (plus mine)
I am sooooo loving this swap!
It was hard... and different from anything we've done before...
but what a challenge!
And what a joy to get to ask some of my favorite artists to make what I wanted them to make.
You should get some house shapes and make a village!
.....and must say
Gig 'em, Aggies!!
as the Aggie Women's Basketball Team plays Notre Dame tonight
on ESPN for the National Championship!


  1. Loving Nathalie's white washed house...what a fab touch that is and YES, very brave too...so sweet and lovely!

    Also Loving Margaret's yodelay ee ooo chalet with Edelweiss and good luck ladybugs...and more...really fab and festive!

    Three such different houses from similar ingredients...sort of ;)

    Loved this challenge...what will we be up to next!

  2. Eeek I love the baby in the house! I need to used more mixed media in my art work too.

    Sand xox

  3. The houses are great, love the bell on the one and yes she was brave with the gesso!

  4. These houses {and all the fun showings on this latest challenge} just make me smile! And YES, it does make me want to start a village, or burn cans, and what not!

    ADORE each of these houses....love that baby image and the softness of it. Then such a fun contrast with the Swiss Chalet and all it's creative touches. FUN, FUN, FUN! Xo, Sue

  5. What a great idea for a swap. Your houses are coming home to stay. I hope you photograph the collection once they've all arrived.

  6. Love your fast gathering street, what are you going to call it, do we get to pick a name?? Love what Nathalie did, brave and inspired, very cool effect. I'm glad your bell still rings!

  7. What a great swap this has been. You five are my craft idols! I love the houses...all so different and all so well done. I can't wait to see what you do with it, Linda!

  8. Bravery had nothing to do with it-- you sent good materials. And HOW can you ruin FLOCKED WALLPAPER? I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. Ha! Besides, if Margaret can go around white washing everything in sight, I figured I could try it. She can't have all the fun all the time.

    Bravery would have been trying to use other colors with the green. I hid in the safety of monochrome. :)

    These ARE all so different! HOw cool is that?

  9. I keep telling Patty this is the best house swap ever! I love how you included YOUR things and then folks run wild! I would have NO guts to totally gesso one of a kind. I've done that technique before with both stunning and not-so results! Lovely!

  10. I just love these! good stuff! have a happy week Linda, xo nat
