Friday, January 28, 2011

Snippet Roll

Carole (from New Zealand) made the QB5ers a "snippet roll" for Christmas.
It's suspended from what I call a thread spool and some people in other lands call a cotton reel.
(a cotton reel sounds to this Texas girl like a cross between the Cotton-Eyed Joe and Virginia Reel.... those are dances)
...but I digress....

Isn't it pretty? It has fabric, lace, paper, etc....

all those things we love are stitched together.

I can leave it as is and suspend it somewhere... or roll it up...

but I may use it as a closure on a future Remains of the Day book!!!

What do you think?

...and my thanks to Margaret (in Switzerland) for the use of her photo (top one). I've been waiting for it.

*****Carole has a tutorial for snippet rolls on her blog right now!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Heart Garland!

I won this from Jill Ruth!
She gives a tutorial... you must go check it out and make some!
I've hung this several places in the house...and each is wonderful -
but I was trying to get "good light" this winter day...

Go look at her blog..she has the best pictures.

These are made with book pages....

I love anything made with book pages!

Remember this wreath I made just over a year ago?

(It hangs on the other side of my stairs.)

Are you making Valentines today?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

More junk...

Here is another ornament I received in the QB5 Junkle Swap.
This is the one I received from Margaret in Switzerland.
I showed you in the prior post, the postcard she sent along with
all these goodies.
(Lorrie translated the back of that postcard for go back and see that!)
The center piece came from a much loved old bracelet of her's
that had fallen apart!
The "flower" behind the image is a flattened ornament topper!
And she sent me all those Swiss goodies, too.
There was also a great picture of some wild women putting on "lippy" as she calls it...
but they keep disappearing from my sight... I'm not sure where they are off to now?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Even in French....

it's a beautiful verse.
In English it says:
Whoever believes in me,
as Scripture has said,
rivers of living water
will flow from within them.
John 7:38
Margaret sent this to me.
She fancied it up with stitching and glitter and all that stuff we love!
It's a postcard and on the back....

I tried typing it into translater .... something about someone's late husband. Anyone able to read this? Margaret sent me other things, too. I'll show them soon. I love that she sent me scripture in French! She knew I would cherish this. ...ahhhh...the blog world is good.....

POST SCRIPT..... yes, the blog world IS good.... Lorrie translated the back for me.... it seems Rachel didn't have a "late husband" ..... but a husband that was "late"!

Beloved Rachel, Here is (your husband) a little late with a little souvenir of the past 8th of October. So, it's set for Wednesday. I'll wait for you at the bottom of the big staircase where I'll arrive before you at (???), I think. A cordial greeting to everyone and a big kiss for the (???)

Monday, January 17, 2011


My mind is spinning this morning about what I can blog about
without taking pictures of the latest acquisitions.
Above is this thing I love...
(spoken in Old Spice Guy voice)
I asked for it for Christmas.
My son and daughter-in-law
got it for me.
It was on Anthropologie's web site.
Right now I just continue to admire it.
Yes, it spins!
It was advertised as something to put flatware in.
You know I'm going to put brushes and pens in it.
Although..... my inclination is to put small dolls in it as some sort of amusement ride for them!
While looking on the computer for pictures I could use today instead of taking new ones...
I noticed some old images that make me wonder what I did with those items of clothing.
This picture below (it's NOT as old you think)... IS over 10 years old....
I had a dress that was so fun...
we had some kind of retro party for high school youth at church.
(and, yes, I got it at a thrift store)
but why did I get rid of it...?
(of course, let's ignore the fact that I could not possibly still get my body in it)
And here is a picture of me in snow...
(for my friends that live in it)
Where is that top?
The point of this is....
be careful what you give away! a footnote....
Henry is okay!!!
He passed the foreign object!
(you have to be careful with wording on your blog or you get lots of spam)
Any clothing giveaway regrets?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Foreign Objects

Henry is at the vet's office today.
His mom and dad think he might have eaten a foreign object.
He's only one and well... you know how they like to put everything in their mouth!
So pray Henry is okay and they get the right diagnosis and he gets treated appropriately.
UPDATE ON SATURDAY 1/15.... Henry came home today. Feels good, waiting for him to "pass" foreign object. Had barium this morning, so goes in for an IV on Sunday to help prevent dehydration. Things are looking up! Pray for passing! Thanks for the prayers and good wishes!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Mail Call....

The QB5 Junkle Swap this year is slowly arriving.
(it was a hard December across the globe)
Above is Nathalie's made from a light bulb!
Isn't it brilliant! It has paint and mica on it...I think.... we need a tutorial, Nat!
Thought I'd show you a couple of other things I've received in the mail this month...

Below is an adorable paper angel from Katie at Ragamuffin Gal.

Her wings are corrugated cardboard! I think that would be a great swap!

Isn't she precious! (the angel, too)

Jeanie (Marmelade Gypsy)

sent me this little matchbox

this week that she made

in honor of my daughter's wedding....

(last July)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

My Life in Pages

I've kept a journal or at least a "detailed calendar" since (apparently) I could write cursive!
Here we are peering into a box of finished journals.... see the old first diary on top!
Below are the four journals I'm currently working in.....
that big red one will probably never be finished! Especially when it comes to writing in it... It is fun to make collages in there....
I always get excited about journaling in January, don't you?
And there are so many art journaling classes available right now...
Okay..... one last thing today...
I'll be at the Cotton Bowl tomorrow night....
look for me!
(I'll be in maroon!)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Oh, that you bless me indeed!

that's where he got it....
my husband...
he ordered this for me for Christmas.
My daughter asked for some more ideas for what to get me. I told her about this prayer of Jabez at Red Letter Words. Not only do I love Red Letter Words... the Prayer of Jabez is one I started praying for my children when they were in college. You know how it is when you are driving home from that place that you've left them! So...anyway.... I told her. My family just gets a blank look in their eyes when I say the word Etsy. Even Ebay means something to them... but Etsy... nothing.
So you must realize how significant this purchase is! My husband now has his own Etsy password! He has no idea what he has done!