Thursday, October 21, 2010


I bought some of this yesterday to take to a friend's birthday party!
I bought it PURELY for the bottle.
I do that a lot!
But it was pretty good.... I'd buy it again.
You can also pour it in another container and heat it if it's cold where you are.
(not an issue here in Texas)
I've been a bad blogger lately....
so this is a make-up post...
I got nothing really...
Wanna see my peppers?
I have been doing this.....
It's really great and it's FREE!
I can't get the photo button to work right on here.
So just click here -
And it has videos... which is how I need to be taught!
But my plan is that TOMORROW I will show you
my stitched sampler from the QB5 Round Robin we did!
It's sooooooooooo great!
So come back!


  1. I can see why you were tempted by that wine bottle! I am guilty of buying things for the packaging sometimes too ... hey a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!!!!
    Nice Peppas Too!!!

  2. I love those Halloween bottles. So cute and festive. I am also a sucker for packaging!

  3. Love the wine bottles! I too go for the packaging.
    Love the peppers, we didn't plant this fall.

    Irma :)

  4. Love the wine bottles! I too go for the packaging.
    Love the peppers, we didn't plant this fall.

    Irma :)

  5. Oops! Don't know how the double entry happened.

  6. Oh, that's hysterical. I shop for packaging. Often regret the end, but never the quest and presentation!
