Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Look What I Won!

Do you enter many blog giveaways?
I try to!!!
Once in awhile I win and this time I reallllllly won big!
Saturday I found the below box in my mailbox.
I wondered what in the world did I order from Etsy this time?
Then I remembered I had won Sue's giveaway.....
Yes.... that was it!
I took pictures as I opened the box, being the good blogger that I am!
So you have to excuse the lighting....
Sue has her blog titled My Arts Desire... and believe me... it's my desire, too!
Please go visit her... she does great stuff, sees great stuff and has great stuff!
I can't begin to show you it all.
Above that is a little playing card that has the birds on the pink background!
And two great button cards are under it... and those flag labels,
and lace and a handkerchief...etc!
Those are metal letters above!!!
What shall I make with them?
and that SWEET Frozen Charlotte doll!
And...a gift card to my favorite store!
On the right above is an old linen piece with an embroidery design for me to stitch!!! There were keys and tags and just so much... look at this dog tag below... Thank YOU, Sue!


  1. That is TOTALLY insane - all those lovely gifties. I adore the frozen charlotte and the RECORD book - way cool. So nice of Sue to share with you.

  2. Wowee! Great box of goodies. Lucky lady. I can tell you are really excited.

  3. Hi Sue! Thanks for visiting my blog. I've enjoyed visiting yours, too! You really hit the jackpot with that one. WOW! Can't wait to see what you make with all that lovely stuff.

  4. Wow it must have been like christmas!!

  5. This is simply fabulous! And a Frozen Charlotte to boot! Congratulations -- but I think you deserve it! You've had a year of highs and lows. Now you get some pretties with it!

  6. Gosh..I have been out of the loop lately. Your beautiful daughter got married, you looked fab (found a great dress didn't ya??). I am SO glad that all went well. Then you keep on winning things. Guess ya have to enter to win, right? Even if I enter...never win! Good things happening in your life...hope they continue!!

  7. Good for you! Enjoy! The goodies look divine.

  8. BIG congratulations Ms Linda on so much gorgeous loot!
    Not only is Sue so very generous, but she has to be one of the nicest bloggers in town too!
    That box is like Christmas and Birthday all wrapped in one!

  9. Hello Linda,
    You are too sweet! I'm so happy that my little box of goodies made you smile. It's always more fun to get something like this in the mail instead of another bill! Xo, Sue

  10. Holy guacamole with a margarita chaser! There's enough in that box for 3 or 4 or 5 giveaways!

    I think you seriously need to share...

  11. You are so lucky, Linda Jo! That is the most incredible give-away! A frozen Charlotte? A $25 gift certificate?

  12. fabulous treasures - a lovely win

  13. stunning box of goodies, you lucky gal!

  14. Oh wow, those are soooo awesome!!!

  15. Score!You're one lucky duck :) Sandy xox
