Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Button Flower

I keep forgetting to show you this!
A few months ago, Virginia stumbled upon a button with a flower embroidered in it on a flickr site.
After much searching, she found the blogger here!
I couldn't share until she sent a bunch out as RAKs!
But I found my stash of them that I had promptly sat down and made and thought I'd show you!
Virginia made the one on the blue and white fabric as my "starter button".
I think you can figure it out... you need a button with 4 holes!
Show me what you make!


  1. Those are adorable. I can figure out the leaves but I don't know how you did the flower. I think it is a stitch I don't know!

  2. These button creations are wonderful! Treasures! I know a sweater of mine that is simply dying to wear all of hers likewise. Thank you indeed for such a lovely idea!

    Hmm. Now where did I stash the sewing basket...?

    Cellar Door

  3. Scream out loud! These are sooooo stinking cute! Can't wait to try them. Simple and ADORABLE!

  4. These are so cute. I must try some. Thanks for sharing them Linda.

    Coleen in Ukraine

  5. LOL! I'm amazed, so simple but so purrrfect! And clever girls keep coming up with ideas all the time! x

  6. Well, Ms. Smarty Pants, isn't that the cutest?

  7. ooooo those are wonderful Linda!
    fabulous idea and inspiration, thanks for sharing!

  8. Oh my, so this is what you've all been chattering about! I love these!! sooo clever! I'll never look at 4er the same again!

  9. What a cute button! You find the most amazing crafts ever! Now I need to give it a try.

    Irma :)

  10. Those are so sweet, Linda! I don't know how to embroider, so I'm not sure I could figure it out -- but I think they're adorable:)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I'm looking forward to perusing yours some more:)So far I love it!

  11. Has anyone told you you're awesome??? Thanks for the profile tip! :)

  12. The buttons are so cute. I really love them. I will give it a try over the weekend. First, I need to look through my button collection to choose the right buttons to make "button flowers." Thanks!

  13. These are VERY cool! Just what I need -- another project. But they might be pretty cute on some of my felted purses!

  14. TOO clever! So simple, yet SO darn amazingly beautiful.

    Thanks for the inspiration
