Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

If you live in know what today is.......
Cinco de Mayo commemorates the victory of the Mexican army over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5th, 1862. It is mostly a day for us to drink margaritas... because we need an excuse to have them in the middle of the week?


  1. Happy Cinco de Mayo! Enjoy that margarita. :)

  2. AHHH- margaritas!! I have a student now whose name is Margarita, but I'm sure she's not drinking them! Anyway, I was depressed a bit today because i wanted to be at some cinco de mayo parties at Mexican restaurants...but it didn't happen. Didn't think I could stay in control if i brought Scarlet!
    Happy day to you though!
    xo natalea

  3. gorgeous and inviting blue margarita glasses you have there AND such precious sombreroed (sp?) cuties

    thank you for giving the historical reason for eating tacos and sipping margaritas ;)


  4. thanks for reminding me to celebrate my ancestry. lol yum yum!! xo - amt

  5. I read somewhere that it was a battle over a bakery strike (or bread embargo?) in Pueblo, so drinking to celebrate makes about as much sense. How come the Alamo isn't celebrated? You have to remember it, but does anyone set aside a whole day to toast drinks to it? Enquiring minds want to know!

    Looks like you had a good time today! Wish I could have been there!

  6. What colorful photos!

    Hey, word on the blog street had it was your birthday yesterday? Today? Either way, happy day! (I should have sent you a birthday card, not a get well one!)

  7. Correction. May 19. OK, get well card is appropriate!

  8. had a lovely celebration too! happy happy!!!

  9. Linda,
    Happy Cinco de Mayo...or Seis de Mayo! Thanks for stopping by! I wish I lived in Mexico...but Texas sounds like a good second best. I love those blue glasses.I remember my grandparents having some turquoise ones and I wish I had them now.
