Monday, May 17, 2010

Am I Indulgent?

I won this over on Anna's blog a few weeks ago!
She made some reuseable bags for Earth Day and I happened to be in the right place at the right time!
Carole at Madness and Mess sent me a sack of goodies!
Two great magazines and fabric and a pattern.
Have you see that Alice in Wonderland fabric anywhere
or it just available in New Zealand?
So last week this HUGE box arrives at my house!
I couldn't open it at first..... just let it SIT there.

Finally did!

It's a VINTAGE suitcase!

She loaded it with lovelies.......hankies and a little western boot "wall pocket" ... in that vintage color I love...

In keeping with the feet theme I have going on in my life lately, I thought the western boot was


  1. Wow! What a mail storm going on at your house! If having your foot operated on, AND then your birthday aren't reasons enough to get mail, you also win giveaways? Too much! Yours is a charmed life, Linda. I'm sure you aren't thinking that right now while wearing mismatched shoes, but you are blessed. :)

  2. Glad to see you standing on those two lovely feet of yours! What wonderful goodies to receive in the mail. Lucky you. :)

  3. What a lot of wonderful treasures ... lucky you!
    and Nathalie's box (suitcase) of delights ... what a lovely surprise!!!
    Love how you are still painting one foot :)

  4. Happy Birthday to you!
    Happy Birthday to you!
    Happy Birthday Dear Linda!
    Happy Birthday to you!!!!!
    xoxoxo nat

  5. So cool! I think your postman must need physical therapy by now!
