Friday, March 19, 2010


Ya wanna do a "make and take"?
That's what BFF Virginia said to me yesterday.
Her niece, Kami Dorr of Oklahoma City, showed her
how to do these last week!
We love them!
I had done this with tulle....
It's a different look and OH SO flammable!
You need to gather a tealight candle,
a small bowl of water in case you have a flame
a piece of aloe vera for when you burn yourself....
I only burned myself doing the tulle...
which I'm not showing here.
JUST go buy some chiffon...that's what these are.
Cut circles out of the chiffon.... do it freehand, do not draw them.
JUST do as I say.... keep it simple....
You can cut them different sizes.
The chiffon slightly heated is very forgiving
of shapes you've cut...
Hold it above the flame and quickly move it
to singe the edge. You can also lightly
heat the bottom of the petal to make it
curl more.
You can make french knots in the middle or sew seed beads! Wouldn't these be great on a shoe!!!! Or in your hair or on your blouse!!!! Or on a sachet or a belt! Let me know what you do!


  1. I've been eyeing these on various sites and want to make some NOW. I think yours are the prettiest I've seen. Alas, my chiffon is packed in boxes somewhere and I think my husband would have a fit if I unpacked anything before we move.

    Will you be using them on your daughter's shoes?

  2. Leave it to a Linda to create something so gorgeous!! (wink wink)

  3. Those turned out so pretty. I am not allowed to play with fire, so I will just admmire yours. :)

  4. OOOooo! Soooo Pretty! I will have to give this a try! Thanks for sharing. Hope your boo boos heal soon.

    Irma :)

  5. Yes, Yes, Yes, these beauties would be lovely any ole where!!!
    Gosh SO pretty ... tell Virginia I want her for a BFF!!! :)
    I'm off for birthday lunch with my Mutti, might need to stop for chiffon on the way home!
    Very inspiring thank you Ms Linda!
    Brightest of Spring Blessings to you and yours!

  6. Did I say how much I {heart} these :)

  7. These are fabulous. So pretty! I want one. :)

  8. WOW!! these are a KNOCK out!!

  9. OMG! They look so professional!!!
    PUT THEM ON EVERYTHING is what I say!! lol x

  10. Those are so cool!!!

    And so easy to make! Wow you could really foo-foo something up good, couldn't you! I need to look around and see where I could use some of those!

    HAve a wonderful Sunday!

  11. Linda,
    Those are beautiful! I have all the chiffon ready to go but I have been afraid I would burn the house down doing them. Thanks for showing us step by step.

    I am trying to find a good, easy flower to do for a retreat my friend, Donna and I are leading. I don't think this is it. I need to try that long one that you "wrap" as you go. I imagine you do that one, too.

    Any ideas?

  12. OMG!!!! These are AMAZING!!!
    I think you need to SERIOUSLY do blog giveaway with one or two. :)

  13. Hi Linda,
    It is...


  14. Good idea Nathalie! Linda, let's do a giveaway. I'll give away 2 of many are you giving away?? VB

  15. Linda ~
    I love this ~ thanks for the demo! So dainty and elegant ~ I cannot wait to try it! Blessings Friend!

  16. OMG Linda! thanks for sharing! I LOVE this!!! now I need to get some chiffon! xo

  17. I love these! What all can we put them on for the wedding???? :-)

  18. these are scrumptious and I shall give it a try - thanks !

  19. oooo superb!!! you make it look so easy! I'm sure mine would go up in a puff of smoke, personally I'm for the giveawy idea, hee hee

  20. What an amazing idea! Thanks for sharing it with us!!!!!Happy Spring!

    Sandy xox

  21. These are absolutely luscious. And could it really be that easy?

  22. Well, now I SORT of know how to make them. But I don't think I could make anything so lovely as these! Truly - gorgeous -- and thanks for the instructions!

  23. Those are beautiful! Thanks for the tutorial!


  24. I love these Linda thanks for the how-to!
    Happy Easter, Melissa

  25. These are so pretty. Can't wait to try them. My daughter needs a flower for her hair for her wedding. What do you think?
    Happy Holiday!
