Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Monthly Challenges

BFF Virginia and I are in a monthly embroidery fragment challenge!
We are the only players in this challenge.
We just trade with each other.
Thought it was time to show you some of what we've been doing.
Above is the piece I got from Virginia in January!
Below is the fragment she gave me for February!

Next is the one I gave her for February.

This is the heart Teresa did on her recent Valentine's Ezine.

But if you didn't subscribe to that you can also see a little one here.

And below is the piece I contributed in January....
If you turn your head it says path. I think I'm more primitive than Virginia? We shall see........


  1. ooo these are precious and so lovely!
    a really special BFF swap of heart art stitcheries!

  2. What a fun swap to keep your creative juice flowing - and keep you accountable! What do you plan to do with all those lovely fragments?

  3. Linda these are looking lovely, there's an old fashioned charm about hand-stitching isn't there? :D

  4. gorgeous!! what a gem Virginia is!! and what better person to trade with... she knows ur style and u know hers!!

  5. Linda ~ I love these!!! You and Virginia, how I wish I lived closer to you gals! Makes me want to get my floss out! XXOO

  6. How fun! And I think you're both very clever at stitching. I'm kinda partial to "primitive" myself. My farmhouse has a definitive primitive feel to it! What are ya'll gonna do with em? Frame em? Make into a little pillow? Pin cushion? Quilt?

    Of course, you can steal my award free button - I got it from Vee! She said it's free to use!

  7. What a great swap buddies you are! I love all of these little stitcheries, are you going to do a bit of a Rebecca Sower sampler with them?

  8. Your heart to Virginia is STUNNING. The fabric, the button, all perfect! Gives me ideas for our next QB5 swap.

  9. wonderful! please tell Virginia I said hello-ok?
    xox nat

  10. I can't believe all the creative things you do and I have NO idea how you find the time. These are precious!

  11. Wow! Virginia is red hot with this embroidery stuff and you are right there too! The friendship you two have is truly special too...
    Love Henry!
