Monday, November 16, 2009

Recovering from SB 2009

has come and gone...
but it will take days to tell you about it.
This is the centerpiece at Saturday's luncheon.
Cari Kraft made them!
The photo below is from Peggy...

Natalea, do you see Janey behind the tree!

We sat together in Pam Garrison's Lineage of Love class.

Janey loves me ........ pictures tomorrow...

Today I'll share photos of my two online friends that I met in person for the first time...

First is Katie!

And then I found Lynn a little later....

This is a picture of the 3 of us at the luncheon....

Katie is tall! I thought of her as petite!

Isn't that funny how we picture people?

But I was correct in how sweet and loving she is.

She is a beautiful woman inside and out! It was such a joy to meet her.

We only had one class together and we sat on opposite sides of the room...

that class was oversold - Rebecca Sower's cigar box class which was my

absolute favorite class!

Lynn is adorable. She is sooooooo cute and lively.

She needs a new picture on her blog.... she is a thousand times

more darling in person! I'll have to send her a new photo of herself!

Of course, I'm a thousand times cuter in real life myself.... so I get it. More TOMORRRRRROW!


  1. Looks like you had a blast. I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures. BTW, Katie reminds me of the actress Lorraine Bracco!

  2. love it!! glad you are recovering with fond memories and crafty dreams :) xo anna

  3. Linda ~ You are the sweet one! I just love all of your pictures on shutterfly too! I am still in the "all I want to do is create and have fun" mood. This is detrimental as I am NOW back at work!
    Loved the experience
    and Love you,me.

  4. I LOVE the centerpiece! I need to look for footed urns at the thrift store...

    How fun to meet on-line friends for the first time!

  5. Looks like SB was totally wonderful! Keep on sharing - we're voracious readers, those who haven't yet become Silver Bellas!


  6. miss linda,
    it was lovely to
    meet you, although,
    we did not get to
    spend near enough time
    together! next year,
    we need to make a
    date, or take a class
    together for some
    real conversation
    time. i had the
    BEST time ever!!
    btw, thank you for the
    are a dear.

  7. You're so right!! I do LOVE you so much!!!

  8. Welcome home! I cannot wait to hear details...but I remember needing a couple of days or more to recuperate and de-glitter.

    xoxo, Julia

  9. Wow. What a party! I know you had a blast at SB. Isn't it too fun t meet the people you know online??? I've only met two, but it was so neat-neat-neat! Can't wait to see all about your trip and see what you made and learned!

  10. Yes, I see Janey! I missed you girls being home and doing nothing! But I'm glad you had fun! Can't wait to see and hear more!
    xo natalea

  11. very festive and fun table settings!
    how sweet it must be to actually meet people that we get close to in blogland!
    ready for more bella posts :)

  12. I just sighed all the way thru this post, a whole weekend of crafty and meeting new faces, divine!
