Friday, November 6, 2009

November 2009

Charley and I were on a walk looking for fall stuff...
I need some large acorn caps for a Silver Bella class.... not all acorn caps
are created equally!


  1. I love the acorn pictures! Last year I coated an acorn cap with PMC and fired it b/c I wanted to make a necklace. I wasn't patient to add enough layers (the PMC slip is very thin)and what I got was like foil, almost, very crushable. It was pretty, but not strong enough to fit it over anything & then wire it for a pendant. I may have to try that again this year.

  2. G'day Linda
    love your blog and art creations.These acorn photos are gorgeous too.Thanks for dropping by my blog and saying hello.
    Annette In Oz

  3. very cool Linda, the Silver Bella excitement is ever increasing!

  4. I Love shadow pics ... just took a few in B'burg ;) AND acorns! You are so right, they come in every shape and size...lovely sampler you made!

  5. These are lovely! I hope you found exactly what you needed. Have a wonderful time -- I am more than a tad envious!

  6. I've been making acorns (to share)for weeks!! Love all the pics. VB

  7. Hey, you aren't going to do felted acorns are you????? If you have one you can spare (or feel inspired to make extra), um, well, I would LOVE one! Or make them up as charms.... 4 of them should do it.

  8. awww you made me look ... again

    your precious Art Dog Charley was one handsome fella ... I know you miss him!
