Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What I've Been Working On....

Above are three pieces I made for a Silver Bella swap... they are due this week.
I have been so blank about what to do!!!! I couldn't make a decision and kept pulling
stitches out and starting over.
They were to be 4 x 5... our
hostess for the swap
is going to make us little
books with 3 samplers in them,
plus surprises! We
get them on Thursday
night at Silver Bella!
Below are some things I made over the last few months that are NOT going to the Silver Bella swap.... I tend to play a little too much sometimes....
This first one is based on a tea towel that Anthropologie has out...I've given you a sneak peak in the past of this one.... I may use it in my QB5 Birds at Work and at Home book.....
Here's another based on an Anthropologie tea towel..... I just draw them off and stitch..
making a few changes... like I added the row of flowers below.... hey... that counts.
And..this was something I was considering doing for Silver Bella Sampler Swap... but nah...


  1. gorgeous miss linda! can't wait to see your finished book! how cool - do you get it at the silver bella or do they mail it to you? i ESPECIALLY love those little birdies (precious!) Maybe you need to start a Christian Stitching Artist yahoo group - just kidding - as if u need more emails and swaps!! Your QB5 swaps are fabulous.... I was wondering if you all were taking a holiday.....with everything you have going on.... GREAT GREAT post.

  2. All are beautiful. I need a challenge or swap to kick my creative butt in gear! These are great!

  3. Loving ALL of your work - just gorgeous. Wish I had done the sampler swap but I still have 1 swap to finish and I want to go the quilt show Wed night... Should I? :)

  4. Love what you selected as the keepers, but your "rejects" are pretty nice too- all of them. You can send me the house or precarious stack of teacups, if you don't want them! :)

  5. lovely, miss linda! can't wait
    to see the finished sampler!!!

  6. Nice work! I love the samplers - they'll be well received. I can't believe you've managed to get all that done. Definitely a creative burst. c u th am. VB

  7. love every bit Linda! wish I was seeing you at SB soon...
    have a great day stitching-maniac!
    xo natalea

  8. These are so precious, so sweet and tender. I love them--and your stitches as well. Such cute ideas. I'm posting my swaps also, one at a time. But after seeing yours, I'm thinking I should have spent more time doing more stitching...It's going to be such fun seeing all.

  9. Beautiful Linda! Sooo so pretty!!! I am a little envious of your weather... we have had dreary wet cold for the last week! Enjoy! XO

  10. These are gorgeous and all to give away, lucky swap buddies!

  11. LOVE your embroideries! You've been busy, what a great swap the Silver Bella must be!
    I missed my keyboard, the laptop had a few sticky keys that made it impossible to type on! oxo

  12. Beautiful work!!!! Love them. WAY better than Anthropology!

  13. Your Silver Bella creations are WOWEE fantastic!

    I of course Love the tea cup stack...it's all beautiful!
