Thursday, September 10, 2009

Just get on with it...

Labor Day has come and gone!
School has started!
100 Degree temps have ended in Houston!
I have been doing pre-wedding stuff...just two weeks to go!
Wanted to tell you that Nathalie FINALLY opened an
You really MUST go visit.
She's having a giveaway on her blog, too!
Tomorrow my daughter and I have tickets to see our favorite musical!!!
Pray that it doesn't rain like a tropical depression in Houston Friday and Saturday!


  1. I hope the next two weeks are full of fun - they will be full, no matter what!


  2. Oh you girls have fun!!! nothing like live theatre/musicals!

    So happy for Nathalie!

    Love your bathing beauty picture!!!

    two weeks and counting!

  3. Sounds like you are going to have the best time! I love seeing a full-fledged stage musical. Nothing like it!

  4. Thanks for the mention!

    I love that cheesecake posed bathing beauty. Back when bathing suits were something you could be seen in public in! hee hee.

    Grease was my sister's favorite musical. You two will have a great time!

  5. Oh, the the word.. how envious I am of you! Please have fun for all of us who can't attend but still sing summer lovin at full blast while alone when it comes on.
    PS ` I still dream of being able to fit into a black outfit like Olivia's in that final song number!

  6. Hello fellow Texan. I am enjoy my Sunday afternoon browsing beautiful blogs such as yours.

    Best wishes & blessings!
    Yoli Kalkofen
