Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Birthday memories...

In keeping with my birthday week.....
I dug out my old, old typewriter a few weeks ago....
Nathalie had encouraged me to do so as she has one that she uses in her artwork.
So I got it out of the attic....
I need a spring repair on the left side as the ribbon no longer advances...
or maybe the spring has just come loose... need to spend some time taking it apart.
I got this for my 16th birthday from a dear aunt
who said she would send me anything I wanted for my 16th birthday.
Well...this was what I wanted.
When I unpacked it
and began to inspect to see what it's problem was,
I realized how much I really know about this little machine -
I used to disassemble it and put it back together with no problem.
I still do that..... my friends all call me with their computer problems
because I have that no-fear attitude about my computer -
which I derived once upon a time
from my little portable typewriter!
I must share with you
that I was somewhat reluctant
to upload these typewriter pictures
to my blog because
my good friend Carole
had this on her blog
on Mother's Day
.... go look!


  1. What a cool idea! Birthday week? I've been off line for a few days -- I hope I haven't missed it! I must read on! Happy Day (week, etc.) -- I like to think of it as "Birthday-gras" -- If Mardi gets a week, why can't we get at least that?

  2. I used to use a typewriter cuz my mother lived in the stone ages. ;) I was forced to do long reports/essays with it. I hated that thing on most days! I enjoyed the sound but there's no delete button! LOL Now, here I sit, wishing I had that pretty turquoise typewriter, I hated so much. I have no idea what brand or anything it was but it was a good ol' thing! Thanks for bringing back the memory :)
    Hugs, Ashlyn

  3. WOW - I am so drooling over the keyboard as I type...... I want a typewriter..... I think you have amazing forth-sight to keep this little treasure! Although I did find a community typewriter at my local library.... I don't know why I have not gone down and used it?????? ARGH! I still would love one of my own..... you are blessed to have this - kudos for bringing it out of captivity :) xo, me

  4. how great is that machine and for your sweet sixteen too, I think it's grand that you have held on to it Linda, it's a beauty!!! AND aren't you the clever one fearless deconstructing things :)

  5. Happy belated Birthday! Love your typewriter, wish I had kept mine. Hope you have a fabulous birthday month.

    Hugs :)


  6. Old typewriters are just great, I use mine loads, now you can type stuff and bind the pieces with your BIA, which reminds me, I've noted it's absence, has it gone on hoilday?? tee hee...


  8. I remember my old Remington. It was a great old typewriter and as a 14 year old girl I took great pleasure in typing all sorts of stories. I was quite impressed with the marking of my ideas with each stroke on the keyboard. It was an externalization of myself into the world -- somehow it doesn't feel the same when I type on my laptop -- even though now my words are in fact going out to the world!
