Friday, February 27, 2009

Small towns in Texas and other stuff

Today I got a lovely envie from Nathalie. She knows I love library cards. Do you know what she said to me? "I'm surprised you wanted more of these. What have you made with them?" As if I have to make something! Does she not understand that I just want to possess all of the library cards I can? We went to my BFF Melinda's mother's funeral in Waco this week.
We made a few stops on the way home.
We stopped in College Station, Texas for lunch yesterday.... at Rudy's barbecue... a place we like to frequent when in CS.
Normally when we are there the place is packed because it's football weekend or at least a Saturday. This was around 2 p.m. on Thursday.
The Aggies have a little song they sing that refers to sawed-off horns.

This a barn we passed somewhere between Waco and College Station... this is also an Aggie reference.

We stopped in Calvert to antique shop (because I didn't make DH take me back into Waco to go to Bloom and Bee Swanky).
Unfortunately most of the shops are closed during the week. There were a couple open and I did contribute to their economy.
We also stopped in Bremond, TX to check on things.... my mother-in-law is buried here. I love old cemeteries... I took a lot of pictures.
P.S. I removed the word verification on comments... that should help with problems leaving comments! I didn't know I could remove them until I visited HELP!


  1. I love that "whoop" barn! Happy Weekend!

  2. The comment you made about 'does she not understand I must possess every library card I can' REALLY made me laugh. I understand - totally!! lol LindaSonia

  3. What'd you buy?? Glad you got to do some fun things in spite of the bad circumstances. VB

  4. Nathalie just wants you to open the Zutter cutter and make library card pocket masterpieces which I myself am totally in agreement with!! how much do I love that blue!!!! would like to say fab! but will probably get pulled up on it...

  5. I need to send a card to melinda..... I love your pics and jealous that you got to eat at RUDY's!! mmmmmm - good eats :)
    I saw that you could remove the word verification..... I'm going to let your test drive that for me..... please tell me if you get lots of spam... (they said that would be a side effect of removing word verification...) xoxo anna

  6. Linda, You crack me up! I have my obsessions (I have plans to post about them) but one of them is not to own a lot of book pocket cards-- which is why I am happy to give them away. Of course, if you had paper grocery bag FULL of them (like I do!) I'm sure you would be generous with them too! I hope to see Zutter projects from you posted soon!!! And if you Zutter up some of those pocket cards, I can always send you more-- I know where you live. ;)

  7. Love your post about the library cards, too funny. Love the barn.

    Hugs :)


  8. Thank you for taking us along on your outing, looks like you turned into a fun journey! I like cemeteries too, the one in your photo is lovely with the big trees giving shade to the grave sites. I am always on the look out for some angel statues! You have me drooling over your blue library cards, Nathalie sure is nice to share them.......bags full, now how fun is THAT! I totally understand just having something.....just because :)

  9. Whoop is right! A little song? THE AGGIE WAR HYMN? They sure sawed those horns off, short. Thanks for letting me know about the pics, I love seeing them. It was Randy Sim's bbq we used to eat when I was growing up there, I supposed he retired sometime last century...I'll have to check your's out. So many places to eat, so little time. The chicken fried steak at the Dixie Chicken is at least twice and a daily stop at Whataburger-that doesn't leave a lot of room but...when in Aggieland... You can get a peek of the beauty of Brenham by your photo, can't wait to be there ONE MONTH FROM TODAY. Calvert? Wow, it was nothing when I was there; I'll have to try to check it out too. Thanks so much for sharing. Sorry about making my own post here...
