Thursday, January 15, 2009

Updated Blogs Make Me Happy!

This morning I feel the need to just say thank you to God for giving us blogs! Isn't it a wonderful world we live in? I could just weep for joy sometimes over the things I see and read about from my blogging friends and their blogging friends. I am so blessed by all of you and what we share. I was running through my blog list that appears to the left here... and saw a few things that I don't want you to miss. It's a struggle for all of us to get back in our glorious routines in this new year.... so we gotta look out for each other. Go see Carol at Raised in Cotton. She features Anette... who makes me want to throw all my stuff out and start over in my house. And she has the cutest dog. My Art Dog says I could just try decorating in the color of champagne and get the same look centered around him. I'm considering it. Hopefully my children won't read my blog today. Joli-Paquet with Cindy from Junque Art is starting back up. I love that site!!! Pam Garrison has been blogging again and she has a free download of her design for a sewing machine cover ... that I am SO making .... It appears in Somerset Life that is out right now and happens to be ONE of the Stampington magazines that I resisted buying yesterday. I did buy the Art Journaling one and the Somerset in Love. Incidentally, are you aware that Michael's is NO LONGER accepting their coupon for magazine and book purchases? I was livid. I told them I would be going to Barnes and Noble to get my 10% off. So...I'm sure the policy will be adjusted due to my comments. Let's all do our part! Ali Edwards' has her updated office online. She has a typeset tray on the wall with rubber stamps in it. I have a typeset tray in the attic!!!! hmmmmmmmm....


  1. well have to tell you that I always use your blog links to help me with inspiration - I love the pam g - teresa m - rebeca s links.... also your friend at kandeland. you have great links.... so thank you :)

  2. I get in trouble following your fabolous links (and those of people who post comments on your blog!) Suddenly the day is gone and I have made no art. Today I can't rely on creating in the midst of chaos. I have Valentine banners to make! Gotta concentrate!

  3. Yes isn't blogging just great!

  4. Hey Linda! I loved the download Pam gave. Carol's blog is one of my favorites! And I loved seeing Ali's office! Makes me want to get mine in order! Thanks for including JP in the list...I'ma blushing and the girls and I are so excited about this round!

  5. What a great post...full of useful information and highlighted with that precious photo of your dog! What a cutie! I will be checking the blogs your recommended!



  6. Hi Linda, I know what you mean. I missed my blogging buds so much and am so happy to be amongst you again.
    I just love that pooch. And I know what you mean about getting inspiration from the other blogs. I have, in fact, tossed out my stuff and started over again. Most recently in fact. That's how I came to own not one, but TWO pink sofas. Actually, now that I think of it, blogging, while free, can be very expensive.

    Happy Day!

    By the way, the chandelier has landed. :)

  7. Well said Linda, great post! I also so love the contact and inspiration we get from each other, feel quite privileged to be part of it all really. Can't tell you how much time I spent on the Rebecca link, deary me the things I should have been doing...

  8. Linda,

    Thanks for the comment on my blog. I've just posted a few more pages of my Christmas journal. When I have a bit more time, I'm going to follow the links you mentioned in this post...

  9. Hi Linda, reading your post got me inspired. Went over to see the sewing machine cover... it is just so gorgeous. I'm with you, I will definitely have to make one.


  10. I agree whole heartedly ~ My heart is always tickled four shades pinker when I come and visit your blog and read a new post! I don't tell you often enough. Now I'm off to visit the lovely blogs you posted about! Many Blessings! Katie

  11. the GREATEST! I love it when you include him. I have not quite gotten into the "crafty" world, so when I see him, it makes my day.

  12. I second your "thank goodness" for blogs. And now, I think the rest of my day will be shot as I enjoy the beautiful things I know I'll find!
