Thursday, January 22, 2009

Some beautiful pictures...not this one..

When I was in Warrenton/Round Top for the Fall Show....I visited the Willow Nest booth. I sooooooooo loved this booth. I asked the lady working in it at the time if I could take pictures and she just asked that they not appear on a blog. So I haven't put them here...but I want you to now go to their blog..which has been up a few months... and see it. Willow Nest has a B&B in Burton, Texas and they show their wares at antique shows all around. The Texas Antique Week next happens.... SPRING SHOW 2009 TUESDAY MARCH 31 - SATURDAY APRIL 4 There is lots of info out there on the web about it, but here is one link if you are interested in coming:
and another
and if you are in the Houston area...


  1. Oh, I so need one of those pink sparkly cowgirl hats.

  2. now don't you just look fab! Love the link to Willow Nest, I want to be there, swoon

  3. Please stop! not another wonderful link! I will get nothing done surfing on the computer all day!!!!! WAAAAaaaaaaa!

  4. If you don't want a surprise spoiled, DON'T VISIT MY BLOG. I had to risk it and post. I am on a creative roll which is so rare these days.

  5. What a great picture of you Linda.

  6. Great picture Linda. Have you planted any veggies lately. I just planted some 1015 onions. I will be setting up my little peat pots with my tomatoe, cucumber, squash, and chili pepper seeds and some others.

    Hugs :)


  7. I am ever so slowly getting around to maybe eventually quietly talking to my hubby about going this year. Shhhh, don't say a word yet! With both my boys in College Station now and a FREE place to stay close to Round Top and my mom wanting to come...well...what could be the prob? How 'bout two alone trips recently and it's spring break weekend and supposed to be his turn to pick. I'm thinking he wants to go to South Padre...what do you think? Is there an operation to remove the New York and replace with Texas? We need it NOW! Love all your new updates and thanks so much for the youtube-I put it on my blog and even my hubby loved it!!!! Whoop is right!
