Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration stitching

I gathered supplies yesterday so that I could sit on the sofa today and watch the inauguration and everything surrounding it today and stitch.
Thought the above simple little heart expressed the theme of the day.
Above is my favorite picture to use in art.... it's my mother-in-law as a young girl. I can't decide if I should put a word on there. But if I add this to a larger piece.... I just don't know what I'm going to do with any of these. I really like the above. Nathalie shared this image with me... I think it was on her blog once. And I know she's sent me art with her. Below includes some other snippets. Snippets is Virginia's word. We sat and stitched last Thursday at her house and I made some of these. She's inspiration for getting going. And you will love what she's making. As soon as she's finished, I'll take a picture for you. Lesley Riley was my original inspiration for this kind of stitching. Her Fragments and Memory Quilts are the best. Rebecca Sower is the one I've had classes with the last two years that inspires me constantly in this. I iron a piece of muslin to a piece of freezer paper and then I tape them to an 8 1/2 x 11 piece of paper... just at the top... and put it in my printer. I do a sheet full of images and words. French knots are hard to do on such loosely woven linen. I am going to do one large piece soon. I'll show ya........ eventually! Have you stitched anything lately?


  1. I haven't stitched anything lately, but your dear sweet stitchings make me want to! They are so wonderful!!! I love your MIL's picture ~ how whimsical!

    I am so glad you came by and visited. I have missed you! Many Blessings and Lots of Love, Katie

  2. That one word "hope" did say it all for today. I think our President did a wonderful job today. I pray that he will bring this country together and do positive things for us all.

  3. oh, i love your stitching!!!!....can't wait to see how you put it all together, do post some photos!! and viv's sweet little needlecases are just the best...i ordered mine back in october and brought it to silver bella...i'll bet many bellas are going to fall in love with them!!sooo glad i found you!!!


  4. Beautiful and elegant work, Linda!!!

  5. Linda, these are gorgeous especially the MIL! lovely image. I can't wait to see what you're going to do with them all. I just discovered the Rebecca Sower link the other day, swoon! Thanks for the tip about transfering images, will have a go at that as I really like photos on fabric

  6. Linda, these are precious! You know what?? You should do a little "stiching project" of Charley. You should incorporate your Christian art with him. Of course, you will need to add that to the list of other "projects" you have. You are so inspiring to me. I miss seeing your smile.

  7. Amanda...I was thinking that just the other day...that I should use Charley more in my art. And you will get to see my smile when you return to bible study in a couple of weeks. Yeah!!!!

  8. You got me inspired, Linda. I was going through a box of scraps the other night, wondering how to put things together. Thanks for the tips on printing on fabric. I am dying to try some "snippets" of my own!

  9. Hi Linda. I really love these. So simple, and yet elegant. I've never seen fabric work like these before. What a great way to use small scraps, along with hand stitching. I have lots of scraps, maybe I should try this.

    So many ideas, so little time. I'll keep this idea in mind though. I bought a really nice electronic Brother sewing machine a year ago, and played with it a bit when I got it. And haven't used it since. What's wrong with me? I must be crazy. I need to get it out and start using it.

  10. What a fabulous idea, Linda -- and these are simply beautiful. I want time to do hearts!

  11. These are so lovely! I too like Lesley and Rebecca, oh,I wanted go a class for them, but i lived in Sweden;-)

  12. I am getting a little distracted (a little!!! she says :)
    looking for your Journal ;)

    The image of your MIL is so very beautiful and what you created with her Linda ... very sweet!!
