Monday, September 8, 2008

September Mail

I'm hosting a "Autumnal Banner Swap" over on Christian Paper Artists. The above represent the banners or pennants that I have received - they are all due to me next Monday! I love banners....did you know that? And these are ATCs I received in a Going Green ATC Swap hosted by Anna on Christian Paper Artists. Aren't they wonderful!!! I should go in and identify each of them....maybe later...
And these!!! Oh my goodness! The little book on the left I got today - it's a RAK from Chris McNeal, of the wonderful Christian Paper Artists List! Don't you love that she put birds on it!!! And the one on the right is what I won on Shannon's blog! (Shannon is also on the CPA list...but I actually did win this!!!) They are both such treasures. (the gals and the books)
I've been very preoccupied the last few days. We had a party Saturday night for our Sunday School Class. Then Sunday we started new curriculum in the Young Couples Sunday School Class that DH and I facilitate - so that was something I had to read. And I'm also dealing with "what if we have to open our Red Cross Shelter" next week!!!! This software stuff used to come to me so quickly... now I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around it when it doesn't work - I spent the day making phone calls to tech support about the photo ID and also the bar code scanner people. I think I have it all fixed now..... new patches you can download are indeed wonderful. Well.... pray that Ike will fall apart and be a non-event!


  1. awesome treasures...... i did not know about ike!!! YIKES! I'll be checking on that with the weather channel.... i am praying he poops out...

  2. WOW Linda! You are getting some really great mail!! I had my eye on the summer banner swap...but I thought, oh there will be a fall one, ugh- it's just so busy around here! I'm glad your journal got to you safe and sound, dear... enjoy!

  3. What FABULOUS mail! Isn't it fun to do a really great swap? Looks like you made out like a bandit, but I've seen your posted work, and I think others made out, too!

  4. All the banners look great, and how exciting to see your ATC's. Hopefully mine will arrive soon, too.

    I hope the hurricane stays out of your way!

