Friday, August 8, 2008

None of your beeswax!

FINALLY.... I drug out the crockpot from the 70's - which amazingly I still had. It was stashed in the back of a cabinet behind the new one with the removable insides. Praise God for innovation! Anyway, it works great to melt beeswax. I had only done this in a class with Claudine Hellmuth years ago and so now I'll be doing it a lot. ???? Anyway... above is what I coated in wax. And... I used the wax to secure the twig (blown down by TS Eduoard) and the buttons and the lace! I may still add something below the bird - you knew there would be a bird. I have to get busy on my RAKs for the Christian Paper Artists List. Made a few yesterday. The little bird is on an ATC and the boy on the sled is a tag. The girl in the back is a piece I haven't finished yet. I'm not sure I'll part with it right away - I really like it.
I got the things in the photo above as a RAK from LaRinda Chapin this week. Great stuff ... yes, that's a Merry Christmas banner! woo hoo! You know it will be here very, very soon. And that newspaper/magazine is The American Woman and it's a December 1915 edition. She left the dollar price tag on it .... she got a deal! I love it and will be copying it at Kinko's soon!!!
I am sure you can figure out that there was no damage to speak of from Eduoard. Just a rainy day of tv watching with the family - and no power loss for us. Thank you, God!


  1. I love your beeswax collage! I'm sort of obsessed with birds, myself. :)

  2. You do beautiful work! Love the birds in the collages. You have my life verse in the first one... Romans 8:28... it sustains me!!!

    Beeswax gives a very interesting effect.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog & I will further explore yours too!

    Be blessed, Cat

  3. You did a good job with the bee's wax (all those feelings of intimidation for nothing!) LaRinda sent you some wonderful treasures! I need to get on her mailing list! :)

  4. I've seen the beeswax only in mags.. (somerset...) never in person - do you use it as a glaze (so to speak?) Looks like fun to play with!! Glad you are ok from eduoard... :) xoxo anna

  5. I love your beeswax work!!
    I love the child (I thought it was a girl) on the sled and the bird/stick/button hanging one! You do such great work!

  6. I'm glad you liked the RAK. :-) I've been cleaning out as a form of procrastination on creating curriculum I suppose. In all fairness I have to say that the banner came from my friend Patty, as did some of the stickers. I read where the list gang did a banner exchange, so I thought you would have fun embellishing it. And I got an even better deal on the magazine because I always visit that thrift store on either 50% or 75% off day. So I really paid even less! I was originally going to eBay it, but I just don't have time and wanted to send it to someone who would enjoy it. So I'm glad you will--yay! :-D

    I like your bird--the beeswax gives it a great old-fashioned feeling. I used to do my beeswax on the stove in a double boiler, but went to said thrift store and bought an old crock pot that is in two pieces so it also has a hot plate-type feature. Sounds like an invitation to encaustics to me. Yeah, after I get through with that curriculum!

    Blessings! --LaRinda

  7. Thanks for all the comments!!! And, yes, Corbi it probably is a girl on the that you mention it. And, yes, Anna, the wax is a glaze for lack of a better word. It's just fun!!!

  8. These are fabulous, Linda! It's hard to decide which I like most, but I'm leaning toward the adorable chubby cheeked child on the sled! Very nice -- great technique. I wonder where my crockpot is... Hmmm.

  9. This is SO Beautiful!! Thanks for the sweet comment on my cooking blog!! Happy night sweetie!!hughugs

  10. Linda, I know this post sin't quite a week old, but I am DYING to read a new post from you. A lot of the folks I have bookmarked haven't posted anything new (or interesting) in MONTHS so I have just about given up on them, but I look in on you more than weekely. :D Maybe I need to create a new "you make my day" award, just for you.

  11. Help a sister out! What's an ATC and a RAK? I've got alot to learn apparently before Silver Bella....Julia


  12. I enjoyed looking at your work! I also took a beeswax class from Claudine some years ago and have enjoyed beeswax ever since. Your pieces are wonderful.
