Monday, July 7, 2008

One Year Later!

I realized today that I missed my one year anniversary. I was so sure it was late July when I had begun blogging. Well... it wasn't. It was June 20th. And on that first blog post, I had two comments. One was from Anna, who was anonymous back then as she had not yet begun to blog. And the second comment was from Arlene, whom I did not know. Doesn't it always excite you when someone you don't know comments on your blog!!! I was so thrilled. Kimla Kay was the next person to comment a couple of posts later. I got to meet her at Silver Bella 2007 - a real sweetheart and now a new mom. You know the internet changed my life in so many ways. I'm one of those people that is pretty much "self taught". I seldom take classes, I "figure it out" on my own - and the internet and html, etc. fall into the "figure it out" part of me. My DH says he created a monster when he brought the first computer home to me back in the DOS days. I remember the slowness of the internet when I first got online and look at us today! Between my yahoo groups and blogging - I have friends all over the world that I would never have known. I know the same is true for all of you that read this. And it has certainly expanded my artistic leanings, not to mention the rest of my life. Thank you for reading my blog and leaving comments - which are so important to bloggers - and if you don't have a blog, get one! I'll help you if you need help. I'm still wondering when Natalea is going to use what I showed her. Big Grin inserted here. Here is a link to my first post. So....what do people do to celebrate blog events and anniversaries? They have a GIVEAWAY!!! (is that one word?) So leave a comment on this post or a later one between now and next Monday .... the 14th.... and I'll draw a name for a prize!!! I have to figure out what that prize will be - so humor me here. I'm sure it will be good.


  1. I'm the first - ought to be worth something! VB

  2. Just found you....and managed to read most of the way back to your first post. Congratulations on one year, I only made it to 3 posts, I have a much better time reading others!
    Pick Me, please!

  3. HA!!! I was thinking the same thing as I was reading along and there comes my name!! I'm such a "can't teach an old dog new tricks" kind of person sometimes! I swear I tried it once back when you showed me and because it didn't work I gave up! I promise you that someday I will try we have to have another dinner together with paper and pens?! (I actually still have it in my notebook!) You're too funny Linda...happy blogging to said it well! Here's to many more posts in your future (that was me holding up a glass of wine...)
    xo natalea

  4. Happy blogversary! I'm sure that the prize will be something good -- they always are with you!

  5. YAH!! it's your blog-o-versary!! I have to comment because I just love you to pieces. I really don't need to be in the drawing because you have given so much to me already.... :) I love my comment (from your 1st post..) guess I was into the word "hip" aye.... wonder what my word is now??rofl? Yahoo - I'm super excited 4 u! Happy blogoversary. xoxo

  6. I am a sucker for giveaways... :) My anniversary is coming up too (nad maybe I had better check the date!!!) Your name will be dropped of course, since you got me started! (((hugs)))

  7. Congratulations on your anniversary. No, I have Charlotte's classes on Saturday. But I can't'll have to tell me about them at Vendor Night, so that I know what to expect. :)

  8. I do not know how I found your blog -but I am from Texas and my name is Linda - maybe that is how I found your blog -I have only had a blog since Jan. of this year - it keeps my mind working I guess - and I love to read other blogs -

    here is my blog:

    love your art work !
    Linda G.
