Monday, March 17, 2008

Found Treasures!

This past weekend my hubby and I cleaned out the "storage room" at my FIL's house. We brought back a lot of tools from a long time ago. Some boxes - things like his dad's footlocker from WWII, etc. But I retrieved two boxes of the stuff that you and I search endlessly for. This first box is full of school stuff. My MIL was a school teacher and this box is full of things she used. She started teaching in the 40's and retired in the 70's. So some of that will go in my 100th Post GiveAway! The drawing is tonight - the post is down below to comment on. I will also add you in if you just comment on this one - but only one entry per person. Then there was the box of Christmas ornaments. These are the ones that I had never seen used in my over 30 years in the family. But some are not worth keeping - but then some these in the first picture!!!! How awesome! And what a blessing that I'm the only one in the family that cares about this kind of thing! Sometimes it's good to be alone in your obessions. rotfl


  1. Good grief! I can tell you now- when I leave the classroom all that stuff will be given AWAY!

  2. Well...who wants stuff from this century anyway??????? Thanks, daughter! Ha

  3. What a FIND! Yes, I agreee with you about it being a blessing when you are alone in your obsessions of "junk". heehee Otherwise you would have to PAY for it or get really ugly with your relatives!

  4. What a great find!
    Please enter me in your giveaway.

