Monday, October 15, 2007

Monday, Monday

The Maid of Honor can get away with just about anything! It was a lovely wedding in the hill country...outside above Lake Travis. It was beautiful and the bride was a vision of happiness.
This photo of my daughter and I is a little...did I say a little?....blurry....but had great potential so I put it up anyway. It's hard to focus in the dark. I love our new digital camera, but I think the old one actually focused in the dark better.


  1. Is that the wedding cake your daughter is posing with? FABULOUS!!!!! Both you and your daughter look wonderful in sepia (one of my favorite colors!).

  2. Yes, that's the wedding cake! It was carrot cake and yummy!

  3. Ah, a pretty cake AND tasty. Bonus! I love carrot cake! I bet it will taste even better a year later if the bride and groom keep the top (or a piece). Our caterer froze our cake top for us and a year later, it was just as yummy as the day we first cut it. She made incredible wedding cakes. I judge all cakes by hers. lol

  4. AHHHHH - what a fab cake!! you and your daughter look LOVELY :)

  5. woops last posting was me...anna
