Monday, June 24, 2013

Mosaic Monday ICAD

Thought I'd do some mosaics for a few weeks of my ICAD projects!
(Index Card a Day..... link on right side)
The zentangle border in the bottom left is a blatant copy
of someone's I saw somewhere.....
I am behind once again after a weekend spent here at my house with about 11 close relatives visiting.
What are you up to this hot day?

Friday, June 14, 2013

Turtles at the Golf Course

Last Sunday we had a storm come through and some trees went down...
knocking our power off for about 8 hours....
So late in the day DH and I took a ride in the golf cart....
above is a shot I put on instagram of a turtle....  
right before I switched to Instagram to take the photo there were two....
 I'm finally learning to take a picture and THEN load it to Instagram....
 but anyway the shot above seemed so serene....

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I was going to do a Wordless Wednesday.....
but it's hard for me to not tell you that I saw
fields and fields and fields
between Houston and Fort Worth
this week!
(a little road trip with my sister)
This and several photos I took that look pretty much like this....
were taken with my phone camera....
so not all that great....
But they are incredible........
fields of yellow!
Soooooooo..... does anyone know about raising sunflowers?
Some fields looked wilted and I wondered if they were growing them for seeds?
I just wanted to stop and cut me some flowers....
but I am pretty sure I might've gotten shot.
Have you seen these?
I've made this trip many times but I think I've always missed this particular week of sunflowers!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

It's Still June!

 I just can't do this blogging thing lately.....
 .... and doing the Index Card a Day thing is hard, too....
.... and I really can't take pictures of all my cards.......
But here are a few......... and, yes, I've missed two days of cards now and
I'm leaving town in the morning............ not looking good.....
But I wouldn't do the ICAD if I felt like I HAVE to document it...
so therefore I will continue....

Saturday, June 1, 2013

ICAD Day 1 2013

My first index card in previously mentioned challenge.
Not sure I'll share every day.....
but since I'm such a "rule follower"....
I thought I'd put it up today...
Yes, there are suggested themes for the weeks...
as well as prompts...